Artistic education

The Toulouse Les Orgues Association has been running musical appreciation activities in schools and specialised institutions for more than 15 years. All workshops are led by the organist Baptiste Genniaux, and are approved by the education authorities of Haute-Garonne and the Occitanie Region.


We provide workshops and courses suitable for pupils from the age of five through to high school.
In particular, Toulouse Les Orgues participates in the City of Toulouse’s “Passport to Art” scheme, for which it has devised three cultural itineraries.

The proposals include:

“concert-like” visits to organs: a mini-concert and discovery of the organ from the gallery
workshops with small-scale teaching organs
open rehearsals during the Toulouse Les Orgues International Festival
meetings with Festival performers
school sessions or special concerts for younger audiences
teacher awareness, etc.


The goals of the Toulouse Les Orgues educational programme are to:

bring wider recognition of the wealth of instruments in Toulouse
improve understanding of how the organ functions as a machine
encourage children to take up a musical instrument
introduce them to a whole range of musical sounds and styles
help them “see” what they are hearing
introduce students to musicians, musical works, and to cultural and heritage venues


Since 2008, Toulouse Les Orgues has offered weekly musical appreciation workshops at the Institute for Young Blind People.

The sessions offer an opportunity to learn how music is produced, by focusing on the instrument. The purpose of the workshop is not to achieve music of a particular quality: the level of performance is unimportant. This is an experimental initiative with children, designed to help them express themselves in music. These workshops provide moments of discovery, expression, creation and especially pleasure.

To carry out these workshops, Toulouse Les Orgues has built miniature organs that can be taken apart for transport, and installed in the Institute’s premises. Other actions have been carried out in the past with the child-psychiatry departments of the Chaurand Clinic at the Gérard Marchant Hospital Centre, the Saint-Joseph Hospital of La Grave, and the Gerontopole.

TEACHING Ressources


Video « Make me an organ »

The film “Make me an organ” retraces in pictures the construction of the portable organ in Toulouse les Orgues by organ builder Jean Daldosso. This removable and transportable instrument was designed to meet audiences: from schools to hospitals, from performance halls to cultural centers


The association can put posters of the Festival at the disposal of the classes

Festival poster 2013
Festival poster 2011
Festival poster 2015
Festival poster 2001


History download files organ

in progress



Unusual stories about organs

See Stories and Anecdotes


Educational workbook

in progress

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