The Toulouse les Orgues Association carries out various projects throughout the year to promote and introduce the organs to the widest possible audience
In July and August, Toulouse les Orgues invites Toulouse residents and tourists to discover the exceptional organs heritage of the pink city (and the venues where they are located!). Presentations of instruments combining music and reading, concerts, interactive discovery tours… are all great proposals to be discovered.
The Toulouse Les Orgues Association has been running arts education and musical awakening in schools and specialised institutions for more than 15 years. All workshops are led by the organist Baptiste Genniaux, and are approved by the education authorities of Haute-Garonne and the Occitanie Local Education Authority
Are you a group, works council, cultural centre or association wanting to learn more about the organs of Toulouse? Toulouse Les Orgues can provide you with introductory workshops, visits to organs including performances, musical trails around the instruments of the Gesu church (harmonium, pedal piano, table organ, great organ), Festival concerts, journeys of discovery covering the organs of Toulouse, etc.
If you can’t get to the organ – the organ can come to you! Toulouse Les Orgues has commissioned the organ-factor Jean Daldosso to build instruments for teaching. Anyone can take them apart, transport them and play them.